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FREE script for After Effects that makes 2D / 3D IK units


3DIK is a script for After Effects that makes 2D / 3D IK units. Select 3 layers, and just 1 click, you can set up an IK unit! Parent IK units to your caracters, 3D models, and enjoy making animations.

3DIK includes two versions, 3DIK normal version (3DIK.jsx) and 3DIK “GOKU” version(3DIK-GOKU.jsx). The 3DIK “GOKU” is the same as the normal version except that you can add a pole vector controller. If you are not sure which one is better, we recommend you to try the normal version first.

This script works well with Element 3D V2, please watch tutorial from here.

3DIK normal version

– Setting
Open After Effects and navigate to File > Project Settings > Expressions Tab
Use “JavaScript” from Expression Engine.

– 2D
Select 3 Nulls in the order of ROOT, JOINT, GOAL, and press the IK button.

– 3D
Select 3 Nulls in the order of ROOT, JOINT, GOAL.
Select which part of the joint layer (knees, elbows, etc.) will bend mainly in XYZ, and press the IK button.

– 3D Pole Vector
Choose 3DIK-PoleVector.jsx” instead of “3DIK.jsx”
Select 4 Nulls in the order of ROOT, JOINT, GOAL, POLE VECTOR.


The 3DIK “GOKU” is a version that you can add a pole vector controller to the 3D IK solver. Basic operation is the same as the normal version. Select the “極” button in the panel, select the four layers in the order of ROOT, JOINT, TIP and pole vector controller, and press the IK button. No need to choose XYZ coordinates.


3DIKの使い方【AfterEffects/アフターエフェクト チュートリアル】


After Effects
  • After Effects CC2019 +
  • Windows
  • macOS


Copy 3DIK folder, 3DIK-GOKU.jsx and 3DIK.jsx into following path

  • Win C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects(version)\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels
  • MAC Macintosh HD/Applications/After Effects(version)/Scripts/Script UI Panels

Product Information